Sorry for the inactivity as of late. Too much going on to be able to wax poetically on all the things going on recently. Where to start? How about the Democratic convention. Screw that! I cannot think of anything nice to say so, as mama always told me....Anyways, if one wants to examine Mr Barry's(yes, his name in college before Michelle decided he should be an elitist) records on voting, campaign backers in Chicaco, as well as his "Best Bud" in which he announced his presidency from his HOUSE, please feel free to look it up. You will NOT see anything of the sort on the news. There is a fucking surprise. They are painting Gov Palin as a cross b/w a corrupt, bad parenting, worthless husband marrying, inexperienced rube(and this is all the nice things) but they will on every occasion overlook the BLATANT shit that Barry has done in his career. Now I know my uncle will say that you shouldnt look at things someone does or says 20 years ago. Very true. But if my uncle should search a few areas of interest, he may find some disturbing things. His rise to power in Chicago politics, his very recent mentoring by a white hating, country hating, man of GOD, his founding and current support of a non-profit socialistic organization(which his wife was CEO) which was used to fund other campaign goals of his as well, the aforementioned friend that had a nasty habit of blowing up shit that was related to this country or the govenment back in the 60s as well as preaching to KILL the "rich man"(now uncle, he does not get a pass on the violence thing whether it was 40 years ago or what)or any other thing that has surfaced but been ignored by the drive byes. Yes, that was one hell of a run on sentence, but I am not a writer. Just a man with concerns over the future of this country. Call me an ole softy.