A public forum on anything. Politics(conservative v. liberal BS), religion, sports, TV/Movies, love, sex, the absurd, the poetic. If it isnt here, request it and it will be posted. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I would love to hear from you about anything from politics, sports, religion, books, etc. Anything. I am new to the blogger front and would like to get mine up and running with a decent following.
As a non smoker, who at times can get sick of second hand smoke...Totally agree with you. It is your right to do what you want to your body and those like you should be allowed to do the same if they are not infringing on others rights. Therefor, cities should not be non smoking due to the fact it there are too many people that do smoke who would like to do so together. I do appreciate the rant though. Obviously this is a subject near and dear to your heart.
Well that is what I am looking for. Have at kind sir!!
Anything at all to say? Here is the place to say it. We are an equal opportunity offender here. Everything is game.
As a non smoker, who at times can get sick of second hand smoke...Totally agree with you. It is your right to do what you want to your body and those like you should be allowed to do the same if they are not infringing on others rights. Therefor, cities should not be non smoking due to the fact it there are too many people that do smoke who would like to do so together. I do appreciate the rant though. Obviously this is a subject near and dear to your heart.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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