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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Next topic....Illegal Immigration
This seems to be a hot topic these days. Any particular views on the subject? Personally I am against it. Illegal vs legal is the problem I have, among others.
Preach on brotha. I am there. And as far as having no one to do these jobs? How about all those lazy slugs collection welfare that refuse to even look for a job b/c uncle sam has decided to pay them to reproduce and be worthless pieces of shit. Dont get me wrong, some people need welfare and are willing to work if giving the opportunity. But that is by far the exception and not the rule. Tell these SOB's that they either do the landscaping, roofing, etc. that the illegals are doing or they will never see a government $ again. You may have some people willing to do these jobs.
Also, All that B.S. about our economy? Look at the amount of money that the illegals circulate into Mexico's economy rather than ours. They live on nothing while here to send the majority of what they make back to Mexico. Exporting these people back home would do minimal damage to our economy at the worst.
Just to touch on a couple of comments...one the money flowing back to Mexico is easly taken care of by making it illegal for banks to wire money to Mexico without showing a pay stub or documents of how the money was earned and taxes have been paid. The other point that I want to talk about is the jobs americans won't do statement that likes to flow around capital hill... here's a thought lets empty out the jails and get back to hard labor punishment, let inmates do these low wage jobs were the employers pay the wages to the state so those individuals can realy pay their debt to sosiety. Maybe along the way these individuals will pick up a usefull skill. North Carolina has a system where there are registered imigrants that are placed in employment on farms here in the state they are registered and put up on the farms in dorm situations, they work the season and then are taken back to their country. Neal Boortz as an idea that I think is great. He wants to allow those imigrants that want to work here do so but the must be registered with ID cards (photo and tamperproof) but these cards can only be issued at the US embassy in their country, not here. So they will have to go back get the card and then re-enter the US to work. Once they are back in this country they take that registration ID card and they report to a temp agency that is regulated by the govt (I think that these temp agencies should be privitized to keep politicians out of the pockets and a private agency has more drive to work individuals to get their cut of the earnins..) With this structure in place if an employer is found working an illegal than the punishment needs to be so severe that it would threaten to close that business.
I think there are so many ways to rectify the situation. Only problem is that people in congress and everywhere else will bitch and debate the useless stats that will increase the red tape 10 fold. Nothing will every get done until we are so overrun with illegals that we wont be able to tell the good ones from the bad. D.C. is only good for one thing and that is to debate the living shit out of a subject until the citizens have either forgotten the topic or dont really care.
Preach on brotha. I am there. And as far as having no one to do these jobs? How about all those lazy slugs collection welfare that refuse to even look for a job b/c uncle sam has decided to pay them to reproduce and be worthless pieces of shit. Dont get me wrong, some people need welfare and are willing to work if giving the opportunity. But that is by far the exception and not the rule. Tell these SOB's that they either do the landscaping, roofing, etc. that the illegals are doing or they will never see a government $ again. You may have some people willing to do these jobs.
All that B.S. about our economy? Look at the amount of money that the illegals circulate into Mexico's economy rather than ours. They live on nothing while here to send the majority of what they make back to Mexico. Exporting these people back home would do minimal damage to our economy at the worst.
Just to touch on a couple of comments...one the money flowing back to Mexico is easly taken care of by making it illegal for banks to wire money to Mexico without showing a pay stub or documents of how the money was earned and taxes have been paid. The other point that I want to talk about is the jobs americans won't do statement that likes to flow around capital hill... here's a thought lets empty out the jails and get back to hard labor punishment, let inmates do these low wage jobs were the employers pay the wages to the state so those individuals can realy pay their debt to sosiety. Maybe along the way these individuals will pick up a usefull skill. North Carolina has a system where there are registered imigrants that are placed in employment on farms here in the state they are registered and put up on the farms in dorm situations, they work the season and then are taken back to their country. Neal Boortz as an idea that I think is great. He wants to allow those imigrants that want to work here do so but the must be registered with ID cards (photo and tamperproof) but these cards can only be issued at the US embassy in their country, not here. So they will have to go back get the card and then re-enter the US to work. Once they are back in this country they take that registration ID card and they report to a temp agency that is regulated by the govt (I think that these temp agencies should be privitized to keep politicians out of the pockets and a private agency has more drive to work individuals to get their cut of the earnins..) With this structure in place if an employer is found working an illegal than the punishment needs to be so severe that it would threaten to close that business.
I think there are so many ways to rectify the situation. Only problem is that people in congress and everywhere else will bitch and debate the useless stats that will increase the red tape 10 fold. Nothing will every get done until we are so overrun with illegals that we wont be able to tell the good ones from the bad. D.C. is only good for one thing and that is to debate the living shit out of a subject until the citizens have either forgotten the topic or dont really care.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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