Friday, June 23, 2006

New Years Eve Richmond Slayings

This following is a post request from Hit Man since he cannot post topics. I welcome anyone else who wishes to have a topic discussed to let me know as well. Here is his imput on those tragic deaths that we all know much about at this point in time.

Hitman said...
Hey ... since I cannot post a "topic" on my own here, I'd like you to jump or "up" this topic to it's own thread...I am actually losing sleep. Yepper, true believers, the great and powerful HITMAN is having a hard time getting to sleep because of something he read about. PLease, allow me to give you some background to clue you in...I am THE Hitman. I got that namesake because I can hit a softball- baseball actually- WAY back when. A great man once said that "hitting was the art of thinking about absolutely NOTHING when it was absolutely necessary." That is something I pride myself on. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate-do. I have spent a little more than 20 years dedicated to the martial arts in general. And, yes- I can kick your ass in about the same time it takes you to blink...even if I don't let on about it in everyday life. I have used my knowledge and skills when my life was on the line and I do have the scars to prove it. I have never stared down the barrel of a gun, but I have had a knife thrust at my stomach and lived to talk to you now- it's not something I am particularly proud of, but it's also not something I'm scared of either. Long story short- I have actually BEEN THERE and DONE THAT. Yet here I am at 1:24 AM and not sleeping because I cannot get a horror out of my head.I can't even remember the names- the family name of the people that died here in Richmod Virginia. All I can remember is the faces that my imagination gave to them. A family of 4... father and mother- husband and wife- and their 2 children...a girl of 9 and a girl of 5. DEAR GOD WHY CAN"T I REMEMBER THE NAME??Maybe because I have chosen to forget- self defense mechanism of my mind. I've never heard exactly what happened with the investigation of the killings- does it really matter anyway? They're dead! And even that ain't the half of it...If it were a family killed in a car accident, it wouldn't even hit my consciousness- accidents happen. A fire?? DAMN, bad luck...But this...this just keeps running through my head like an all-too-vivid nightmare. This family was found killed execution style. All 4 of them with tape around their wrists and mouths...throats cut. Do you get that....remember this wasn't just some man and some woman here. This was a 9 AND A 5 YEAR OLD GIRL TOO!!!Can you even comprehend this? The basement of some unknow house...a killer or 2...for some unknown and frankly, who gives a shit WHY reason...snatch this family up out if bed (I am merely imagining here....else how could this have happened?)...even if the father owed you 10 ba-zillion dollars....HOW CAN SOMEONE CUT THE THROAT OF A TIED UP 5 YEAR OLD GIRL!!Please bear with me here, I know it's now 1:36 AM and I'm a bit loopy. I just cannot get this out of my head right now, even though this happen some months ago...How does someone- cold blooded bastard though they may be- take a trembling, terrified, 5 year old girl in their hands....pull back their head, and visciously draw a knife across their throat...Sweet Jesus...I don't know at this point whether I will actually post this. I'm not entirely sure I want people I know personally knowing that this kinda stuff is going through my mind....But how can it not?? I'm a step-father of 2 girls...1 8 years old and 1 who is 6. I'm not even their "real" father- I can't have kids myself, so just being a part of their lives is a blessing the likes of which I could never have dreamed of. Maybe that's it....maybe since I cannot actually father a child, all life seems that much more precious to me. Maybe I'm just making way more out of this than anyone should have a right to...NO DAMMIT!!! Someone killed these kids in a way that even adults should cringe at. I wanna know- did these murdering bastards slit their throats in front of their parents?? Or did they make the kids watch their parents getting killed first?? Dear God...tonight I pray to you for one thing...If there is a thing called justice grant this ONE prayer...Let ME find these cold-blooded sons-a-bitches. Give me just 10 minutes alone with them in a locked cell. I won't kill them- I swear by all that is Holy, they will NOT die. Matter of fact, I volunteer to help HEAL that every OTHER father gets their OWN 10 minutes alone with them. So, that every OTHER mother who has ever cared for a child gets their pound of flesh...every single civilized being on the planet who has ever thought "enough is enough" gets to ask that one burning, glaring question...."WHY!!!!????"Writing has always been a sort of release for me. But I could write something about this every night, for the rest of my life and never get that horrible picture out of my head. What were those KIDS thinking...what thoughts could a 5 and a 9 year old kid possibly conjure up that could even begin to comprehend what was going on there that night? Did they realize what was happening to them in those few moments it took for them to bleed to death? Or was the pain so overwhelming that they couldn't think at all???But I can't think about that- can you? How could those MONSTERS who did this NOT think about that?? And this is not some made up story...this happened. Not so long ago...and not so long FROM NOW. Yeah, this shit happens...Maybe this'll hit you like it hit me...sort of out of the blue one day when your biggest worry was making your rent payment on time. Maybe when you ignore the yelling coming from the apartment next door. Or maybe just when you are trying to get to sleep one night...This shit happens...this is OUR world...and I don't even know what to tell you we should do about it...I just know it keeps me awake at night...

As a suggestion from Robert Dix Jr, I would like to say that Doug Wilder is a complete idiot when it comes to the Richmond Braves.

They will leave the city in 2 years when their contract is up. Wilder does not care about making Richmond a city capable of being nationally known. When the Braves leave, so will any real chance of taking this town to the next step where sports teams are concerned. Putting the Braves in the bottom would work on so many levels, but Wilder refuses to see things thru. God forbid that the city actually pay a small percentage of what needs to be done to reap the fortunes down the road. The added revenue from food, beveridge, retail, and housing would pay the city back in a few years. Plus, it would clean up an area that once thrived and now is a shell of its former self.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Does anyone care what happened during the final moments of al-Zarqawi?!?

If you happened to listen to just a few minutes of the worthless press corp as they hounded the spokesperson concerning al-Zarqawi's final moments, then you heard. Most questions were around performing an autopsy, the condition he was in when found, if the US tried to perform medical support to him etc. Does anyone really care what happened to this piece of shit in his dying moments? If the US troops beat the ever loving shit out of him and put electrodes on his balls to get some answers from him...the fine. So be it. Ask the families of the poor souls that were beheaded with a dull machete on live TV for all to see at the hands of al-Zarqawi. He has killed and tortured hundreds or thousands of people, and out lovely liberal media is worried about his civil rights and what the EVIL United States did in the end. Is it any wonder why it seems the sky is falling? When our own media cannot attempt to believe, much less write, that anything that we do as a nation is good or beneficial to anyone. I guess only doom and gloom sell these days, and that is all you are seeing and hearing. Personally, things look pretty good to me, as long as I dont watch the evening news.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Emergency Room Story of the Day

Real story coming out of the E. R. in Wake Forest, NC. Police bring in a man that was acting a tad delusional, very lethargic and covered with maggots. That isn't the story. When questioning this gentleman, it seems that he got in that condition by fucking a dead deer carcus on the side of the rode. When the police asked the appropriate question...Why?, he said and I quote, "well I usually prefer the live deer, but the dead ones are more accomodating. Aint it nice to have a choice. And to think many of us stay with one person for a length of time when all that rode kill is out there just waiting for us.

Monday, June 05, 2006

If Barry Bonds were to drop while running the bases on his next Jack, well that would be too damn bad. He is a waste of space.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Polically Correct...Can we kill this bullshit already?

Friday, June 02, 2006

Wall Between Mexico and the US...Good idea or bad?

With all the talk about illegal immigration and ways to stop it, literal and virtual walls have been mentioned. Do you feel this is a good ideo or a bad one and why.
Personally, I say why not. Has to work as well if not better than anything else they can come up with.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Daily Thought

Did GOD himself create a stone so big that he himself cannot move?