Friday, June 23, 2006

As a suggestion from Robert Dix Jr, I would like to say that Doug Wilder is a complete idiot when it comes to the Richmond Braves.

They will leave the city in 2 years when their contract is up. Wilder does not care about making Richmond a city capable of being nationally known. When the Braves leave, so will any real chance of taking this town to the next step where sports teams are concerned. Putting the Braves in the bottom would work on so many levels, but Wilder refuses to see things thru. God forbid that the city actually pay a small percentage of what needs to be done to reap the fortunes down the road. The added revenue from food, beveridge, retail, and housing would pay the city back in a few years. Plus, it would clean up an area that once thrived and now is a shell of its former self.

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