OK, I have just about had it with the "cry me a river because the US Government took too long to rescue me from my vacation in downtown Beirut" morons. I am sorry but if you willingly went to Lebanon for a vacation during heightened tensions between Israel and Lebanon(when arent there heightened tensions?), then get over it. Please do not start playing the victim and blaming the US for all your troubles. You feel the US Government is not looking out for its citizens in these situations do you?? Well let's take a closer look, shall we? The US State Department(that little office that is in charge of situations like these) has issued no less than 4 warnings to all US citizens living/traveling in that area since November of 2005. So excuse the fuck out of me while you get your 15 minutes on the evening news condemning your country, yet again, for not responding fast enough to your call. Well obviously you did not respond to the government when they happened to tell you to get the fuck out while you can. Then you have to odasity to complain about the food, beveridges, etc on your Marine escort, like you on some fucking Carnival Cruise?!? Stop playing the victim. Why you think the US is responsible for adults making their own travel/living arrangements, in light of warnings by that same government, is beyond me. I suppose if you lived in a hurricane potential city, you would ignore that same warning to get out when one was headed your way. We would then find you on the news, without a home, with your hand out looking for some of Uncle Sam's disaster fund, because you were too stupid to just get the fuck out. Sorry, Katrina flashbacks. But that is another story.