Once again the media is upset that the end of the world is not

near. Siting a source from CBS news, a top media official was very upset that we have only had 2 named tropical storms this year in the US and no hurricanes. This person's sentiments was shared by quite a few in the media. The same "objective" journalists that just a few months ago ran countless stories of pending world ending hurricanes, provided the US and other countries did not stop destroying the world. Global warming, the greenhouse effect and several other reasons were given as to why we would all be wiped off the face of the planet. Now, 2 or 3 months later, there is nothing unusual to report. Obviously these media types wish for more pain and suffering to prove the validity(which usually they do not give 2 shits about) of their "chicken little" reporting. Oh well. I cant wait til we do get one storm of signicance and see where they run then.
1 comment:
I find no surprise in this news reporter's attitude. We all know the bottom line folks. (and for those who truly don't know I will tell you.)
The truth of the matter is we are all just a bunch of bottom feeders in a nasty disgusting pond. We (the media) feed off the destruction and death of others. That's where we get our kicks. You ask why we live in a world where reporters would say such things? Well right after asking that question I want you to think about it...I mean really. Reporters love to haul scum around, but we are the scum suckers that empower them! No you say? Your not like that you claim? Very well.... think about the last time you were stuck in backed up traffic howling at the fact that you can't get home. But when you got to the end of the back up and saw the twisted metal and ambulance on the side of the road did you speed up and ignore it like the good person that you are? No, I don't think so... in turn just like all those before you that kept you from your final destination you too, slowed down and rubber necked at the carnage. It is who we are and we can't escape it.
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