Monday, October 16, 2006

Accidental oversight...or strategy?

Some interesting information has crossed the desk today. It seems that recently, in a 12 day period, over 150 stories were run at the top news organizations about Mark Foley and his inappropriate Instant Messages to an underage page. This is all well and good considering the child predator implications this places on Foley. However, at this time, Foley has only been proven to "text message" this/these pages. A different story happened a few years back that is much worse that Mark Foley's, but yet was almost a forgotten thought in the media. Former Illinois Rep. Mel Reynolds, Democrat, was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old campaign aid, including solicitation of sex from her 15 year old friend and solicitation of child pornography. The total number of stories that ran across the same top news organizations...19 in a 12 month period. Now there may have been a very good reason that a top congressman being convicted of these heinous acts gets only a nod in the news while Foley is all anyone can talk about. Could it be the 2006 Congressional and Senate elections? Now if that were the case, then you might accuse the media of taking sides. Now that would be just silly. Do not get me wrong, I do not condone anything Mark Foley has done, in fact he is a complete scum bag. However, from a fair balanced stand point, this action only typifies the day to day selective reporting that shows up as "news" each night on the main circuit.

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