Proving once again that she and other Libs like her will say whatever is popular, Hilary Clinton spoke in Iowa this weekend, denouncing her role in the Iraq War vote of 2002. She said what she signed up for(and voted for) was not what she had originally thought. This sounds too reminiscent of John Kerry's infamous "I voted for the war before I voted against it" debacle. She was trashing the Commander and Chief once again for being solely responsible for the war. As if a majority congress vote was not needed to send troops in. FLASHBACK 2002: Hilary Clinton's presentation to the Code Pink female anti-war group. She said she had to disagree with their stance because she believed that Saddam Hussein would not stop his actions and that he deserved to be removed from power. She had said in 2002, that she had done her own research on Iraq and listened to people's opinions that she fully trusted before making her decision. She said those opinions were made outside of party lines, therefore had the integrity of truth behind it. Hillary cannot escape her vote for the war, her continued( until recently) support of the fact that we cannot pull out now, until the Iraqi people/government is ready to take full control of the peace. This is a BIG problem for the 2008 candidate since many of her Democratic competitors have been against the War much longer, ie, shortly after they voted for it in 2003. She stated this weekend that she was duped by President Bush and his administrations' agenda, into voting for this war. SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me how the "Smartest Woman in the World" could possibly be duped by what many consider an inferior intellect in the White House? She had the same information that Bush and all the Senate/House members had. That was very similar to our so called "allies" intelligence of Germany, France and Russia, claiming that Saddam had WMD. They were not found. Obviously. However, she has stated time and again since 2002 that she supported the war and wanted to see it thru to victory. Now here she is running for president and she is hoping the American people do not remember a thing about the past. This is not the first time a liberal has done a complete 180 based on what an opinion pole has showed. This is not an untried tactic, except that when it is done, you cannot have 100 different sound bites and print clips stating the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are saying today!! Show the American people some respect for being somewhat intelligent. Granted we are not as smart as Hilary Clinton, but then again, we weren't duped by George W Bush. We supported this cause from day 1.
The race for 2008 is already making me sick. And its only gonna get worse.
Gore and Clinton, together again. I could not think of two more boring, ineffective leaders. Actually I can. Pick two of pretty much anyone else in politics. That's so encouraging for the US citizens, huh?
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