Yes folks, she is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Our one and only Hilary Clinton has proven over and over again that she can "blend" where ever she goes. She has pulled out so many accents in her presidential tours, that only C3PO could keep up. The problem there is, Hilary has a stiffer, colder exterior shell than C3PO, without the benefit of a program that acts as a compassionate human. Obviously Hilary thinks that by emulating(most times poorly) every little podunct diolect, she can be accepted as one of the clan. I pray that the people that she changes her appearance, dialect, opinions, etc. for, can see thru her complete and transparent agenda. I am not a big Democrat fan these days, but almost anyone they could put forth as a presidential candidate, is better than the ice box queen. If anyone happens to attend one of her townhall gatherings, please call her on her lack of sincerity, originality, and severe lack of talent when it comes to sounding like Middle America's good people. Hilary would not know, understand, associate or even think about those people in Middle America if she were not running for President.
"Billary" is a sympton of the entire Dem party. they are more concerned with reacting to bogus voter polls that that they do not share with the public one new thought or personal positions on any sublect. Watch Billary through 2008, she will never put herself into a situation where she will answer questions off the cuff. She has neither the guts nor the glory to be president. The entire party has lost it's way Democratic president Garfield once told an aid that government should not be in the business of taking care of people but that they should be independant of the gov't and take care of their own basic needs. Also the most famous Democrate JFK's famous quote "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.." think about that statement when here today's socialist/ democratic party memebers speak. also I ask anyone who reads this to contact your senators and house members and ask them to support HR25 (house) and SR25 (senate) this is the fair tax bill it will make a difference in our children's lives
Well, C-3PO would look better in a suit and tie- THAT'S for sure.
Only place I can see Hillary "fitting in" is at a "scrawny bull dyke" convention...and now I've just pissed off every bull dyke on the planet. In other words...that picture seriously freaked me out.
NOW, if people cannot see through this obvious attempt to placate them through emulating them, these people deserve to be governed by an inferior President. I just hope the idiots don't drag us down with them.
My new political slogan for America and her politicians...
"We the unknowing...
"Elected by the uncaring...
"Doing the negligable...
"For mostly ourselves."
Sounds about right. If we werent in such a critical point in the world, I would say that if you vote for Billary, live with the consequences. However, that is the problem, isnt it. You may not "live" to live with the consequences. I do not want this phoney bitch to defend me and my children as things start to come down. And with her in office, that is exactly what will happen. Our enemies know that if she or her clones are in office, they have almost a free pass to complete their mission, which is the total destruction of our values and civilization.
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