Once again, Hilary Clinton has proven that she hates this country and all it stands for and wishes to change it beyond recognition. There is not enough time in the day to list those changes, but lets look at one point. She has, for the second time, voted against making ENGLISH the official language of the USA. Are you fucking kidding me!??!! There is absolutely no explanation for this travesty. Unfortunatly, she is not the only high profile politician to do so, but we will focus on her. She continually votes for policies that go against the wishes of those that have put her into office. Since she is counting on those same people to put her into the White House, she better get her extremely large head out of that unimaginably small ass of hers.
A Gallup Survey showed that 91% of those respondents wanted English as the official language. On too many occasions, Mr Hilary has voted against what America wants. 1. The immigration bill...Hilary Yes, America NO! 2. HealthCare Bill(that was not actually for low income children in need, but entire families that would be considered in any community "well off")...Hilary Yes, America NO!! 3. English as the official language...Hilary NO!! America YES!!!!.
How many times do Hilary and her fellow politicians have to vote in a manor that does not represent the American people? We need to hold these people's feet to the fire and remove them from office when they refuse to listen to the people. Afer all, we have that power.
For gods sake, please do not support any politician(repub or dem) that goes against the very fiber of this nation by not listening to America's voice. After all, we run this country, not the professional politicians that have one goal in mind. The next election.
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