Monday, June 05, 2006

If Barry Bonds were to drop while running the bases on his next Jack, well that would be too damn bad. He is a waste of space.


Big Daddy said...

Ok, I ll admit that the only evidence I can mention is the Grand Jury testimony that Bonds gave saying he used the clear and the cream. Sorry if I dont quite believe that he did this unknowingly. Especially since he dropped the lawsuit vs the writers of the tell all book. And add to that the fact that he said recently that he is willing to cooperate with the Federal investigators(Not too long after the Jason Grimsly situation) concerning past steroid use as long as he is provided with immunity after the fact. Granted now, I have never liked a completely self absorbed athelete that has no time for his/her fans, the media after games to discuss his/her performance or anyone else that gives a good ole FUCK OFF persona to anyone that is not the person in question. So forgive me for being judge and jury in the situation and coming to my own conclusions and just happy that his 45 year old body is breaking down now that he is not on the juice currently, and he may never touch Hank. Please tell me that Hank, Roger, Mantle more than anyone, would not have put up even more numbers if there bodies did not break down with age like it is supposed to over time. Not get BETTER!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Big Daddy said...

Stop posting a link to a poker website asshole. This isnt here to make you money.