Sunday, June 04, 2006

Polically Correct...Can we kill this bullshit already?


Big Daddy said...

I feel the need to repost this at the correct topic. Good thinking.

Hitman said...
Hey Vladd...I agree with ya. To me, political correctness is another form of censorship. I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but at some point, people started getting this "Super Pussy" syndrome- afraid that they'd hurt someone's delicate sensibilities if they said the wrong thing. When I was a kid, if someone picked on you, you either took it like a man and got them back later, or you did the old puss-out thing- "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Nowdays, this poem has changed to "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but the wrong words will getcha a lawsuit."
Seriously, now...I am talking about WORDS HERE!! I'm not talking about someone yelling out racial slurs WHILE they are lynching them. I am talking about actual WORDS getting you in trouble.
The FCC has now raised the fine for profanity on air to a hefty $230 THOUSAND dollars. When, exactly, did our ears get so friggin delicate that we couldn't hear the "7 Deadly Words" that George Carlin talked about so many years ago. I realize that if you are a friggin PRUDE, or if you have young children, you may not wanna hear these 200 times a day, but can't change a channel? You can't leave the room, or cover your children's ears??
NO! Instead, someone had to start throwing some money at the lawyers- and THERE is where things start getting ridiculous. Lawyers start the mess by convincing people that it's wrong. Then Politicians get into it and POOF it's law. Now, we can't get a GOOD law passed this way, but it works for stoopid shit.
In this case, "political correctness" started with the politicians- they have to be REALLY careful not to offend anyone when running for an office. You can't say "I think the dykes and homo-fags should be able to marry" and get elected. Even if you are actually saying what they WANT (ie, allowing gay marriage) people hear the wrong words and go off.
It then trickled down to other people in lower places- much like piss in your jeans. Soon, entertainers on TV started being a LOT more careful with their words. It wasn't fireMAN anymore, it was fireFIGHTER (gender neutral). Then it went on to nationality...all of a sudden, it was African American. NO- unless you have actually IMMIGRATED from Africa, you are not an Afrifan American. You are an AMERICAN just like me! I do not say that I am a "Euro-American" why do we even have to bring our country of origin into it? Asian American is the funniest to me...Asia is the biggest continent on the planet, so being an Asian American could mean you are Japanese decent, Chinese, Korean, or Russian, Indian, Turkish...good lord.
The whole thing is that we have become pussies. We have ALLOWED words to hurt our feelings and we are paying the price.
"So, Priest a Rabbi and a Nun walk into a bar...the bartender looks up and says HEY is this some kind of joke"

9:27 AM

Hitman said...
I've been looking at the news lately and realized I can solve several problems all at once. We have seen all sorts of problems down in Florida where wild animals are attacking people. Illegal Immigration issues are running rampant. New orleans is STILL below sea level and experts are saying a repeat of last year's hurricane is possible.
First...dig a friggin MOAT the entire length of the US/Mexican border.
Second, use that dirt to raise the levees around New Orleans.
Third, put all the Florida alligators IN that moat.
'Nuff Said.

9:51 AM

Big Daddy said...

That mote idea is quite good. We can put many of endangered species that can live off of other animals, mainly illegals, and make sure they are fed for quite some time. The immigration will not stop, so they can be guarenteed to have a bountiful food supply.

Anonymous said...

can we go one step futher without sounding completely unsympithetic to the female cause (having 2 daughters myself) the next time a woman starts moaning about why men make more money for doing the same job remind them that it is the man who gets left on the sinking boat, the man who has to look for the intruder with the big harry knife when you hear a bump in the middle of the night, let's consider the pay difference a surcharge

Anonymous said...

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