I hate to say I told you so only 40+ days after inauguaration, but I TOLD YOU SO!! President Obama has used up almost all of his "it is the last administrations fault" excuses. Though he will use this until he is blue in the face, the responsibility of future economic problems rests with him and his congress. This is the same person who looked dead in the camera and said that he would end the days of earmarks in DC. I guess by that statement, we were to assume that he meant minute earmarks. Hey, if you are going to go, go BIG!!!! How about over 9000 different earmarks attached to bail outs, 2010 budgets, etc. by Obama. But remember, he will bring change. All he has managed to do is increase spending(which what was originally accused of the current situation) to an astronomical level that insures that not only our generation, but those of our kids and grandkids, will be paying for years to come. Not to mention he is completely devalueing the dollar to catostrophic proportions. All the while, pushing is uber liberal/socialistic programs that only add $$s to nausating numbers. Well guess what Obama heads? He said he was going to pursue these programs, spread the wealth, and everyone was going to have to do his/her share to help out those poor souls who wont get a fucking job. He campaigned with this information. And you still voted for him. As far as the housing market, etc. I know, supporters will say that it is the previous White House that allowed this to happen. Actually it was democratic overseers of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac that allowed the snow flake to become a 5000 ton snowball. Charlie Wrangle anyone. So, let's see how the next 40 + days look in the new USSR, the United Socialistic States of Regret.
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