Well, well, well....Here we are, roughly 6 months or so after he was sworn in. And already Mr Obama(you can call him president, but not me)is contemplating raising taxes on the middle class. What?!! No, say it aint so! Well, yes folks, it is so. How else do you suppose we pay for the 1 + TRILLION $$ deficit he has burdened yours, mine and ours future and that of our kids? Do you really believe that the brilliant idea of the "stimulus" package was going to work?? Anyone with a shred of fiscal responsibility knows that you cannot spend money you do not have and expect to turn around a slumping economy. But wait...Obama said he could do it. Obama has said a lot of things to get into office, but the only thing that has held true so far is his FAR left political agenda. Even his democratic allies thought he would be governing much closer to the center than he has. But after taking over a few industries, trying to shove a universal healthcare package down our throat without a real plan in place(shouldnt this take some time to get right?) as well as continuous bull shit that is thrown out every day in DC, it just aint the case. People, let's think about this for a second. Only the people who have JOBS and pay TAXES are the ones paying for the programs that are currently on the books. Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security. Obama has a arms length social agenda that the American tax payers are going to have to pay for. The wealthy few already pay a gross disproportionate amount of the taxes, and you and I pay the rest. There are way too many welfare, lazy, degenerate, illegal worthless pieces of shit out there that are happy to let us pay for everything. Hell, why do you think they voted for Obama? To make sure they can keep collecting the government check without ever having to get up and get a fucking job!! Think about it. So again, that takes us back to the tax hike on you and I. Do we continue to let this man keep pushing an uber liberal(I will not call it socialist in this post) agenda against the wishes of the general public...or do we speak up and voice the fact that he is not leading based on his constituants wishes? Many of us knew that with his political background, that he would be pushing an agenda more than governing this country. And already during this administration has this proven so. In closing, write your congressman, senators etc. Make sure they know what you feel about this and that if they continue to push his agenda without regards to those that put them in office, that come 2010, most will no longer have jobs. Please help the democratic process ring loud with these professional politicians and let them know who works for whom!!
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