A public forum on anything. Politics(conservative v. liberal BS), religion, sports, TV/Movies, love, sex, the absurd, the poetic. If it isnt here, request it and it will be posted. Enjoy.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy @$*#@**$ New Year to the masses
Drink much, eat much, love much. Just stay the hell where you are and dont hurt anybody else.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Merry Christmas to the easily offended
For everyone partaking in this holiday season, best wishes for a joyous holiday with friends and families. If that be Christmas, hanukkah, etc, great. Just dont be offended if I or anyone else wishes you Merry Christmas. This country was founded on freedom of religion, but at the time, that religion was Christianity. Whatever you celebrate, fine! I do not care. Have fun, eat, drink and be merry. Just stop forcing your agenda on malls, department stores, etc, demanding they stop using the term "Christmas" because it is not what YOU celebrate. Last I checked, about 85% of this country still celebrates Christmas and you are in the minority so shut the hell up and celebrate whatever it is you celebrate and leave the rest of us alone.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
When will anyone actually listen to this guy?
Once again, President "Tom" of Iran has made several threatening remarks to Europe, The United States and other allies, threatening us all again with Jihad and Armageddon. His seems to be mixing praises for Democrats and those not interested in stopping his nuclear program along with predicting the death and destruction of every other person in Europe or the U.S. It seem he "needs" the nuclear reactor for power. Only, Iran sits on top of one of the most abundant oil reserves in the world. Not so much a need there. He said any sort of sanctions will cause whomever imposing them to be sorry. Funny how the media looks at President Tom and sees a man who wants peace and just wants to be left alone. I guess they are not actually listening to him when he talks about exterminating the US and Israel at every opportunity. Sorry, but to turn to him for advice on the Iraq situation is like turning to Jeffrey Dahmer about how to treat young black youths. Just not going to work. For God's sake people, do not trust this man, do not help propagate his agenda. Remember: Hitler said in 1938 that he wanted peace and was not planning on invading Poland(Glenn Beck). The world wanted to believe this, so we did nothing. Guess where that sort of thinking got us?!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Crying over Spilt Dominican Beer?
For those unaware, it seems Albert Pujols has a problem coming in Runner up to Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies for National League MVP. He seems to think that because his team made the playoffs and Howard's didnt, that makes him the better choice. Obviously, he does not seem to remember that the Phillies happened to finish 2 games ahead of Pujol's Cardinals in the Won Loss columns this year. It just so happens, the Cardinals play in a weaker league. So, which team did better? The one that one more games or the one that happened to finish first in a weaker division. So much for the "no I in Team" ay Albert?
To the good folks at US Airways...Keep up the good work. You just earned my business.
Seems the Muslim men who were removed from a US Airways plane for suspicious behavior have asked all Muslims to boycott this airlines. Well that seals the deal for me. That is now my airline of choice.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The "Wall"
Does anyone know why no one in DC is proposing a full, several thousand mile fence between us and Mexico? Well it seems that the powers that be are already in the process of developing an international highway from Mexico to Minnesota and a very long wall would just hinder that process. Now, does that really sound like anyone in charge thinks a wall will work, or for that matter, want one to work. Shit no. It is all lip service til the election is done. Then they can go back to sitting on their fat asses and work only another 76 days next year. For $165000 and up per year, we are really getting our money's worth from these schmucks.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Engagement/ Wedding Process....Friend of Foe?
Thought this would be timely since I have just picked a wedding date. I am now 1.5 months into the engagement process with the Cathedral and Priest now selected and available. This leaves about just under 11 months to fill in the rest of the blanks for the wedding and reception. So far it has been a stressful process and we have not spent dollar #1 yet. I am looking forward to crunch time when we are balancing work, social life, MBA programs, sports, summer, family, and everything else while attempting to make our special day just that...special. I can honestly say that the day after the BIG day will be a joyous event and a great start to the rest of our lives together. Not that any of you( the select few that actually log onto this site) care about the above situation, but since we just established our date, it seemed an appropriate time to chime in on this matter.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Well DUH!!
Gee pal, YA THINK?? These guys and gals stick together like the little balls of poop that stick to your ass hairs and just won't fall properly into the depths of the toilet bowl. To get rid of them ya just HAFTA wipe.
Politicians are about the lowest form of civilized life that I can think of. This is because their jobs basically revolve around "spin"- putting their own version of the truth out there for everyone to see. This means that they put down anything their opponents come up with - even if it's a good thing. This means that they build up anything their side comes up with- even if it ain't such a good thing. This means they HIDE bad things about their side and blow things out of proportion for the other side. It's politics. Nuff said...
My problem with this- meaning THIS case only, not this whole situation of partisan politics- is that it SHOULD be a legal issue only. The case where the guy had a relationship with an underage intern should have seen the guy in jail or UNDER one. The case where the guy text messaged the underage intern should be fully under investigation. If some wrong-doing was found to have happened, he, too, should be put UNDER a jail.
Of COURSE the politicians are gonna have their war of words and this should determine whether the guy gets elected again or not- basically whether he loses his job. However, the LEGAL action is what I wanna know about. Politicians will put all kinds of spin on the situation and I don't care about that. I wanna know the FACTS. Facts will come from the legal investigation- or should.
Your point was that the whole situation sucks and this is true. Any person who closes a blind eye to a potentially illegal situation just because the perp is a friend should be smacked around. Especially if this same person goes OFF against another perp in the same situation just because they are on another team. And that is what we have here- teams. Teams who are playing a game of politics to get their buddy a job in the next election. To do this they hafta get a rival fired. It's a game of who gets elected and who gets ousted...who gets a job and who loses their job. These teams play this politics game against each other but the loser ends up being the American people and that really sucks.
Politicians are about the lowest form of civilized life that I can think of. This is because their jobs basically revolve around "spin"- putting their own version of the truth out there for everyone to see. This means that they put down anything their opponents come up with - even if it's a good thing. This means that they build up anything their side comes up with- even if it ain't such a good thing. This means they HIDE bad things about their side and blow things out of proportion for the other side. It's politics. Nuff said...
My problem with this- meaning THIS case only, not this whole situation of partisan politics- is that it SHOULD be a legal issue only. The case where the guy had a relationship with an underage intern should have seen the guy in jail or UNDER one. The case where the guy text messaged the underage intern should be fully under investigation. If some wrong-doing was found to have happened, he, too, should be put UNDER a jail.
Of COURSE the politicians are gonna have their war of words and this should determine whether the guy gets elected again or not- basically whether he loses his job. However, the LEGAL action is what I wanna know about. Politicians will put all kinds of spin on the situation and I don't care about that. I wanna know the FACTS. Facts will come from the legal investigation- or should.
Your point was that the whole situation sucks and this is true. Any person who closes a blind eye to a potentially illegal situation just because the perp is a friend should be smacked around. Especially if this same person goes OFF against another perp in the same situation just because they are on another team. And that is what we have here- teams. Teams who are playing a game of politics to get their buddy a job in the next election. To do this they hafta get a rival fired. It's a game of who gets elected and who gets ousted...who gets a job and who loses their job. These teams play this politics game against each other but the loser ends up being the American people and that really sucks.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Nancy Pelosi and her pack of flying monkeys
Former Rep. Gerry Studds passed away recently without too much fanfare anywhere except Massachusetts. This gentleman was given a congressional hand slap when he was censured for sexual relationship with an underage male page in 1983. Not only did Mr Studds(such a wonderful porn name if I say so myself) not get brought up on statutory rape, sexual assault, or a host of other felonious acts that applied, he did not resign, get fired, leave after term, NOTHING. He barely received a hand slap for his indiscretions. In fact, the wonderful voters of the state of Massachusetts returned him to office for six more terms, nearly 20 years. What makes this story even better is that when given the opportunity to show leadership and ethical fortitude, Nancy Pelosi chose to offer a handslap to Mr Studds. She voted on no fewer that 3 occasions to give him the handslap ONLY. This is the same person that is calling for the heads of anyone(as long as it is a republican) who knew of Mark Foley's past. She wants leadership in the House, Senate, etc to come down hard on those that knew that he had a problem, yet did not come forward. Well please tell me how an inappropriate Instant Message to an underage male page is worse than an actual SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP with an underage page? Except that one is a FELONY!!! Once again Pelosi proves that she believes what ever the conservatives do or say is wrong and that their actions are satanic and their words are as shallow as a West Virginia Gene Pool. Rep. Studds' actions should have led to much more outrage and the calling for heads of the democratic leaders as well. This never happened. Why? Because it was a democrat and not a republican. This partisan politics is about as senseless and unproductive as it gets. One side says its raining and the other claims the sun is out. No one seems to be able to take anything done by the other side and give an ounce of credit if it is due. Are you telling me that G. W. Bush has done NOTHING in the past 6 years correct(or Clinton the 8 years before that)? I know some of his choices have not turned out to be the best but for Christ's sake, he has done numerous good things that will never be admitted by detractors. Why again do we elect these people?
Accidental oversight...or strategy?
Some interesting information has crossed the desk today. It seems that recently, in a 12 day period, over 150 stories were run at the top news organizations about Mark Foley and his inappropriate Instant Messages to an underage page. This is all well and good considering the child predator implications this places on Foley. However, at this time, Foley has only been proven to "text message" this/these pages. A different story happened a few years back that is much worse that Mark Foley's, but yet was almost a forgotten thought in the media. Former Illinois Rep. Mel Reynolds, Democrat, was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old campaign aid, including solicitation of sex from her 15 year old friend and solicitation of child pornography. The total number of stories that ran across the same top news organizations...19 in a 12 month period. Now there may have been a very good reason that a top congressman being convicted of these heinous acts gets only a nod in the news while Foley is all anyone can talk about. Could it be the 2006 Congressional and Senate elections? Now if that were the case, then you might accuse the media of taking sides. Now that would be just silly. Do not get me wrong, I do not condone anything Mark Foley has done, in fact he is a complete scum bag. However, from a fair balanced stand point, this action only typifies the day to day selective reporting that shows up as "news" each night on the main circuit.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Where was this censorship for Fahrenheit 911?!?
Once again the lefties show their true side. Sighting defamation of former president Bill Clinton, the liberals have threatened both Disney and CEO Michael Igor to not play the docudrama about 9/11. It seems this movie does not paint Mr Cigar in the best of lights. Since his administration is all the dems can hang their hat on for the last 25 years, they are doing their best to protect that "sparkling" image he has. That in itself should be enough of a laugh to keep you smiling for the evening. Seems that "W" can be called a racist, Hitler, anti Christ, etc., and also be accused of not only staging 9/11, but also intentionally blowing up the levees in N.O. just because he hates black people. Now I am not a Rhodes Scholar, but seems to me that this has some defamation about it. I guess its not defamation if the liberals pick the target. But, God forbid, the non partisan 9/11 commission uncover something(that is very well documented anyways) that points to the fact that Slick Willy refused to take out Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance. Seems that wouldn't of looked too good to the Saudis at the time. This is an interesting fact, since Bush has been accused ad nausium of being in bed with the Saudi Royal Family since his presidency started. The docudrama evidentially points to the fact that many terrorist attacks and intelligence went in one ear and out the other when Clinton was in office. This highlights that he and his administration had a good amount of blame for 9/11. I think the Libs like it better blaming EVERYTHING on "W" and cant fathom the thought that their very own military/intelligence cutting, friend of every foreign country administration sat on their ass for 8 years and helped facilitate the worse terrorist attack in our nation's history.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Just back in town
Sorry for the absense. I have been cross training for a week preparing for my new territory. Hopefully I havent missed too many things this week. If there is anything someone would like for me to post, feel free to send it along. Stay tuned for further updates to the site.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Is this just the beginning?

Well there seems to be quite a bit of activity these days in the areas of global terrorism. The British thwart of the most recent attempt is both a blessing and should be a warning. The frequency and escalation of these attacks will soon increase, I feel. I have heard a few people mutter things about WW III, and until recently I didnt want to buy it. Well, if you include the past month in Lebanon, the British Airways incidence, and many things here locally that barely make the news(IE the largest mosque in the country calling the Bush Administration more of a terrorist threat then Hezbollah) it points to something larger. I really hope that the progress we as a country(and globally) have made since 9/11 continues to keep us all safe from these external/internal threats, but at some point, something has to sneak thru. And those muttering WW III are hedging their bets that once something larger does happen, it will only take a few seconds for those countries that oppose the US, Russia, N Korea,Venezuala, many Middle Eastern nations, hell China maybe, to get in line and target the US on many different fronts. Scary thought that I really would rather not think about. So I may just turn the news off for a few days and just forget that life exists except right outside my window. Keeps the sanity for just a little longer.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Hey Sports Fans, Check this out
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sorry to let the good folks at our top news departments down but....

Once again the media is upset that the end of the world is not

Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Going Postal?
I know that it is quite cliched about someone going postal. But jesus! Has anyone been in a post office line recently. I really do believe that one, if not all 3(rarely do you find 3 or more actually ready to assist customers), could take out someone at the drop of a dime. More noticeably, each other. They seem to be the most unhappy people you encounter as a consumer. Granted, individuals may surpass the USPS's finest in terms of sheer anger or discontent. But overall, I think they have cornered the market on vocational unrest. Just remember the next time you see that person in line with about 5 boxes and wants to send each one a different method, some with signature guarentees, some without. The look in the staff's eyes should say it all, "if tomorrow wasnt Saturday, you would be dead!"
NFL Season Fast Approaching
For those who feel that the Super Bowl was just completed, you are right. However, that does not stop the world of NFL from proceeding with its training camps and pre season hype. I cannot count how many daily sports call-in shows are talking non stop football, when the season is still some time away. Granted, being about 65% thru a 162 game baseball season is not the most exciting time to be talking sports, but come on. It is bad enough that we will be force fed NFL very soon, anyway. Must we endure the thoughts and speculations of mindless drones that need to know what the "Expert of the Day" thinks about that person's favorite team?? I can tell you how the Cincinatti Bengals will fare this year. They will win a few they are not supposed to, they will lose a few the same way. In the end, they may or may not go to the playoffs. Who cares in July anyway? How about not pondering the real deep Nitzche like questions until at least September? That way, you can use that penetrating mind for other things, like not burning your eyebrows off every time you light the grill this summer. Deal?? Good. In case it has not crept into this thought, I am not the biggesty NFL fan, but I do like the football season. Just not 2 months prior to that season starting. Skins anyone?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Anyone want to chime in on the ONLY veto so far in President Bush's tenure?
I find it interesting that this is the first Veto that Pres Bush has issued since day one in office. I do not really care about the topic of the Veto, just that I think he should have probably vetoed other things in the last 6 years. Only now does he veto something that everyone knew he would veto, and he knew that the House and Senate could not override that veto. Not going out on that limb too far now, are we? For a president that has been balls out since day one, not caring at all about the opinion of his presidency, I find it hard to believe that this is veto # 1.
If you are that niave.....
OK, I have just about had it with the "cry me a river because the US Government took too long to rescue me from my vacation in downtown Beirut" morons. I am sorry but if you willingly went to Lebanon for a vacation during heightened tensions between Israel and Lebanon(when arent there heightened tensions?), then get over it. Please do not start playing the victim and blaming the US for all your troubles. You feel the US Government is not looking out for its citizens in these situations do you?? Well let's take a closer look, shall we? The US State Department(that little office that is in charge of situations like these) has issued no less than 4 warnings to all US citizens living/traveling in that area since November of 2005. So excuse the fuck out of me while you get your 15 minutes on the evening news condemning your country, yet again, for not responding fast enough to your call. Well obviously you did not respond to the government when they happened to tell you to get the fuck out while you can. Then you have to odasity to complain about the food, beveridges, etc on your Marine escort, like you on some fucking Carnival Cruise?!? Stop playing the victim. Why you think the US is responsible for adults making their own travel/living arrangements, in light of warnings by that same government, is beyond me. I suppose if you lived in a hurricane potential city, you would ignore that same warning to get out when one was headed your way. We would then find you on the news, without a home, with your hand out looking for some of Uncle Sam's disaster fund, because you were too stupid to just get the fuck out. Sorry, Katrina flashbacks. But that is another story.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Atlanta Braves Making A Charge. About TIme.
If the suck ass bullpen of the Atlanta Braves would have shown up in just 50% of their losses, Atlanta once again, would be in 1st place in the National League East. To date, the bullpen has blown 20, yes 20 fucking saves this season. For those that are not baseball knowledged, that means that going into the last inning, they were ahead. Then the bullpen fucked it up and the braves either lost or had to win in extra innings. Having followe the braves, it is usually the loss. So take about the 16 losses resulted from the blown saves, add wins instead, and you have the national league west winners despite the mets 180 million payroll.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Israel...starting their own World War?
Does anyone else get the impression that left alone, Israel may take care of syria, Lebanon and Iran all by itself? They do not need incentive or permission to eradicate that area or Jewish hating Muslims. They have been practiced at this for over a thousand years and I feel they are more than prepared to do what is necessary to take down those who oppose it.
Friday, June 23, 2006
New Years Eve Richmond Slayings
This following is a post request from Hit Man since he cannot post topics. I welcome anyone else who wishes to have a topic discussed to let me know as well. Here is his imput on those tragic deaths that we all know much about at this point in time.
Hitman said...
Hey ... since I cannot post a "topic" on my own here, I'd like you to jump or "up" this topic to it's own thread...I am actually losing sleep. Yepper, true believers, the great and powerful HITMAN is having a hard time getting to sleep because of something he read about. PLease, allow me to give you some background to clue you in...I am THE Hitman. I got that namesake because I can hit a softball- baseball actually- WAY back when. A great man once said that "hitting was the art of thinking about absolutely NOTHING when it was absolutely necessary." That is something I pride myself on. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate-do. I have spent a little more than 20 years dedicated to the martial arts in general. And, yes- I can kick your ass in about the same time it takes you to blink...even if I don't let on about it in everyday life. I have used my knowledge and skills when my life was on the line and I do have the scars to prove it. I have never stared down the barrel of a gun, but I have had a knife thrust at my stomach and lived to talk to you now- it's not something I am particularly proud of, but it's also not something I'm scared of either. Long story short- I have actually BEEN THERE and DONE THAT. Yet here I am at 1:24 AM and not sleeping because I cannot get a horror out of my head.I can't even remember the names- the family name of the people that died here in Richmod Virginia. All I can remember is the faces that my imagination gave to them. A family of 4... father and mother- husband and wife- and their 2 children...a girl of 9 and a girl of 5. DEAR GOD WHY CAN"T I REMEMBER THE NAME??Maybe because I have chosen to forget- self defense mechanism of my mind. I've never heard exactly what happened with the investigation of the killings- does it really matter anyway? They're dead! And even that ain't the half of it...If it were a family killed in a car accident, it wouldn't even hit my consciousness- accidents happen. A fire?? DAMN, bad luck...But this...this just keeps running through my head like an all-too-vivid nightmare. This family was found killed execution style. All 4 of them with tape around their wrists and mouths...throats cut. Do you get that....remember this wasn't just some man and some woman here. This was a 9 AND A 5 YEAR OLD GIRL TOO!!!Can you even comprehend this? The basement of some unknow house...a killer or 2...for some unknown and frankly, who gives a shit WHY reason...snatch this family up out if bed (I am merely imagining here....else how could this have happened?)...even if the father owed you 10 ba-zillion dollars....HOW CAN SOMEONE CUT THE THROAT OF A TIED UP 5 YEAR OLD GIRL!!Please bear with me here, I know it's now 1:36 AM and I'm a bit loopy. I just cannot get this out of my head right now, even though this happen some months ago...How does someone- cold blooded bastard though they may be- take a trembling, terrified, 5 year old girl in their hands....pull back their head, and visciously draw a knife across their throat...Sweet Jesus...I don't know at this point whether I will actually post this. I'm not entirely sure I want people I know personally knowing that this kinda stuff is going through my mind....But how can it not?? I'm a step-father of 2 girls...1 8 years old and 1 who is 6. I'm not even their "real" father- I can't have kids myself, so just being a part of their lives is a blessing the likes of which I could never have dreamed of. Maybe that's it....maybe since I cannot actually father a child, all life seems that much more precious to me. Maybe I'm just making way more out of this than anyone should have a right to...NO DAMMIT!!! Someone killed these kids in a way that even adults should cringe at. I wanna know- did these murdering bastards slit their throats in front of their parents?? Or did they make the kids watch their parents getting killed first?? Dear God...tonight I pray to you for one thing...If there is a thing called justice grant this ONE prayer...Let ME find these cold-blooded sons-a-bitches. Give me just 10 minutes alone with them in a locked cell. I won't kill them- I swear by all that is Holy, they will NOT die. Matter of fact, I volunteer to help HEAL them...so that every OTHER father gets their OWN 10 minutes alone with them. So, that every OTHER mother who has ever cared for a child gets their pound of flesh...every single civilized being on the planet who has ever thought "enough is enough" gets to ask that one burning, glaring question...."WHY!!!!????"Writing has always been a sort of release for me. But I could write something about this every night, for the rest of my life and never get that horrible picture out of my head. What were those KIDS thinking...what thoughts could a 5 and a 9 year old kid possibly conjure up that could even begin to comprehend what was going on there that night? Did they realize what was happening to them in those few moments it took for them to bleed to death? Or was the pain so overwhelming that they couldn't think at all???But I can't think about that- can you? How could those MONSTERS who did this NOT think about that?? And this is not some made up story...this happened. Not so long ago...and not so long FROM NOW. Yeah, this shit happens...Maybe this'll hit you like it hit me...sort of out of the blue one day when your biggest worry was making your rent payment on time. Maybe when you ignore the yelling coming from the apartment next door. Or maybe just when you are trying to get to sleep one night...This shit happens...this is OUR world...and I don't even know what to tell you we should do about it...I just know it keeps me awake at night...
Hitman said...
Hey ... since I cannot post a "topic" on my own here, I'd like you to jump or "up" this topic to it's own thread...I am actually losing sleep. Yepper, true believers, the great and powerful HITMAN is having a hard time getting to sleep because of something he read about. PLease, allow me to give you some background to clue you in...I am THE Hitman. I got that namesake because I can hit a softball- baseball actually- WAY back when. A great man once said that "hitting was the art of thinking about absolutely NOTHING when it was absolutely necessary." That is something I pride myself on. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate-do. I have spent a little more than 20 years dedicated to the martial arts in general. And, yes- I can kick your ass in about the same time it takes you to blink...even if I don't let on about it in everyday life. I have used my knowledge and skills when my life was on the line and I do have the scars to prove it. I have never stared down the barrel of a gun, but I have had a knife thrust at my stomach and lived to talk to you now- it's not something I am particularly proud of, but it's also not something I'm scared of either. Long story short- I have actually BEEN THERE and DONE THAT. Yet here I am at 1:24 AM and not sleeping because I cannot get a horror out of my head.I can't even remember the names- the family name of the people that died here in Richmod Virginia. All I can remember is the faces that my imagination gave to them. A family of 4... father and mother- husband and wife- and their 2 children...a girl of 9 and a girl of 5. DEAR GOD WHY CAN"T I REMEMBER THE NAME??Maybe because I have chosen to forget- self defense mechanism of my mind. I've never heard exactly what happened with the investigation of the killings- does it really matter anyway? They're dead! And even that ain't the half of it...If it were a family killed in a car accident, it wouldn't even hit my consciousness- accidents happen. A fire?? DAMN, bad luck...But this...this just keeps running through my head like an all-too-vivid nightmare. This family was found killed execution style. All 4 of them with tape around their wrists and mouths...throats cut. Do you get that....remember this wasn't just some man and some woman here. This was a 9 AND A 5 YEAR OLD GIRL TOO!!!Can you even comprehend this? The basement of some unknow house...a killer or 2...for some unknown and frankly, who gives a shit WHY reason...snatch this family up out if bed (I am merely imagining here....else how could this have happened?)...even if the father owed you 10 ba-zillion dollars....HOW CAN SOMEONE CUT THE THROAT OF A TIED UP 5 YEAR OLD GIRL!!Please bear with me here, I know it's now 1:36 AM and I'm a bit loopy. I just cannot get this out of my head right now, even though this happen some months ago...How does someone- cold blooded bastard though they may be- take a trembling, terrified, 5 year old girl in their hands....pull back their head, and visciously draw a knife across their throat...Sweet Jesus...I don't know at this point whether I will actually post this. I'm not entirely sure I want people I know personally knowing that this kinda stuff is going through my mind....But how can it not?? I'm a step-father of 2 girls...1 8 years old and 1 who is 6. I'm not even their "real" father- I can't have kids myself, so just being a part of their lives is a blessing the likes of which I could never have dreamed of. Maybe that's it....maybe since I cannot actually father a child, all life seems that much more precious to me. Maybe I'm just making way more out of this than anyone should have a right to...NO DAMMIT!!! Someone killed these kids in a way that even adults should cringe at. I wanna know- did these murdering bastards slit their throats in front of their parents?? Or did they make the kids watch their parents getting killed first?? Dear God...tonight I pray to you for one thing...If there is a thing called justice grant this ONE prayer...Let ME find these cold-blooded sons-a-bitches. Give me just 10 minutes alone with them in a locked cell. I won't kill them- I swear by all that is Holy, they will NOT die. Matter of fact, I volunteer to help HEAL them...so that every OTHER father gets their OWN 10 minutes alone with them. So, that every OTHER mother who has ever cared for a child gets their pound of flesh...every single civilized being on the planet who has ever thought "enough is enough" gets to ask that one burning, glaring question...."WHY!!!!????"Writing has always been a sort of release for me. But I could write something about this every night, for the rest of my life and never get that horrible picture out of my head. What were those KIDS thinking...what thoughts could a 5 and a 9 year old kid possibly conjure up that could even begin to comprehend what was going on there that night? Did they realize what was happening to them in those few moments it took for them to bleed to death? Or was the pain so overwhelming that they couldn't think at all???But I can't think about that- can you? How could those MONSTERS who did this NOT think about that?? And this is not some made up story...this happened. Not so long ago...and not so long FROM NOW. Yeah, this shit happens...Maybe this'll hit you like it hit me...sort of out of the blue one day when your biggest worry was making your rent payment on time. Maybe when you ignore the yelling coming from the apartment next door. Or maybe just when you are trying to get to sleep one night...This shit happens...this is OUR world...and I don't even know what to tell you we should do about it...I just know it keeps me awake at night...
As a suggestion from Robert Dix Jr, I would like to say that Doug Wilder is a complete idiot when it comes to the Richmond Braves.
They will leave the city in 2 years when their contract is up. Wilder does not care about making Richmond a city capable of being nationally known. When the Braves leave, so will any real chance of taking this town to the next step where sports teams are concerned. Putting the Braves in the bottom would work on so many levels, but Wilder refuses to see things thru. God forbid that the city actually pay a small percentage of what needs to be done to reap the fortunes down the road. The added revenue from food, beveridge, retail, and housing would pay the city back in a few years. Plus, it would clean up an area that once thrived and now is a shell of its former self.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Does anyone care what happened during the final moments of al-Zarqawi?!?
If you happened to listen to just a few minutes of the worthless press corp as they hounded the spokesperson concerning al-Zarqawi's final moments, then you heard. Most questions were around performing an autopsy, the condition he was in when found, if the US tried to perform medical support to him etc. Does anyone really care what happened to this piece of shit in his dying moments? If the US troops beat the ever loving shit out of him and put electrodes on his balls to get some answers from him...the fine. So be it. Ask the families of the poor souls that were beheaded with a dull machete on live TV for all to see at the hands of al-Zarqawi. He has killed and tortured hundreds or thousands of people, and out lovely liberal media is worried about his civil rights and what the EVIL United States did in the end. Is it any wonder why it seems the sky is falling? When our own media cannot attempt to believe, much less write, that anything that we do as a nation is good or beneficial to anyone. I guess only doom and gloom sell these days, and that is all you are seeing and hearing. Personally, things look pretty good to me, as long as I dont watch the evening news.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Emergency Room Story of the Day
Real story coming out of the E. R. in Wake Forest, NC. Police bring in a man that was acting a tad delusional, very lethargic and covered with maggots. That isn't the story. When questioning this gentleman, it seems that he got in that condition by fucking a dead deer carcus on the side of the rode. When the police asked the appropriate question...Why?, he said and I quote, "well I usually prefer the live deer, but the dead ones are more accomodating. Aint it nice to have a choice. And to think many of us stay with one person for a length of time when all that rode kill is out there just waiting for us.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Wall Between Mexico and the US...Good idea or bad?
With all the talk about illegal immigration and ways to stop it, literal and virtual walls have been mentioned. Do you feel this is a good ideo or a bad one and why.
Personally, I say why not. Has to work as well if not better than anything else they can come up with.
Personally, I say why not. Has to work as well if not better than anything else they can come up with.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
For the love of J.B.!! Can anybody tell me why we pay meterologists a friek'n dime?
The only profession where you can be wrong over 50% of the time AND still keep your job! Where do I sign up? Most of us real people would be fired after a 75% success ratio.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Next topic....Illegal Immigration
This seems to be a hot topic these days. Any particular views on the subject? Personally I am against it. Illegal vs legal is the problem I have, among others.
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