Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Star Wars

OK, I have never stood(slept) in a line waiting for the next movie premier. I do not own any paraphernalia(minus a couple of gag gifts). I have no video games, I search no Star Wars Web sites and have never named a pet or child after any character. However, I do own about 55 books about the Saga starting in 1994. Now I claim I am not a Star Wars nerd, but my fiance' whole heartily disagrees. What designates a full fledged SW nerd? Regardless, at least I am not a trekkie. Now THAT would be embarrassing.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith

We barely knew thee. Well except maybe for many a naked picture and several steamy B-Movies for cinemax like channels. Trim Spa, good luck now.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

They're Here

An ordinance was passed in a small town in Canada recently. The fact that the new bill had to specifically state that it is ILLEGAL for men(the small town has recently become inundated with Muslims who practice a form of radical Islam) to throw acid on women, beat them with sticks, divorce them by just saying so, etc. A host of other decrees are part of the new ordinance, but you get the picture. It is absolutely scary to think the town felt the need to tell its "new" citizens that it is wrong to kill, maim, torture women, based on their Sharia beliefs. What is even scarier is that some rights group, hell it could be the ACLU, said the town was being hostile to immigrants. Well if those immigrants think or act the way that is stated above, so be it. I did not realize there was a need to tell people NOT to do those things to women. F'n unbelievable. Get a real clue.