Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Democratic party / The Socialist party...Can you tell them apart? (guest posting)

This post comes from a contributor from the Raleigh area. Any thoughts about this? BD


Anonymous said...

ok, Let me begin by saying that I am not one of those people who get drunk at the local tavern and spout political points of view for the world to hear. With that said, I am seeing a trend in the democratic party that all Americans should be concerned about. THat party is becoming more socialistic with every vote they cast either in the senate or congress. Just look at the baseline beleif they have of bridging the gap between wealthy and poor. On the service and to the masses this sounds great, they are going to make the poor wealthy yeah!! I have no problem for INCENTIVES for the poor but force the most productive in society to "share" what they have earned with those who have not tried to earn is no more what our founding fathers desired from government the the little man from Germany with the absurd mustache. The taxes breaks that the rich enjoy is also enjoyed by those that claim it is unjust in our contry, our beloved democratic party. Do you think Mrs. Clinton would share her personal wealth with her local trash-man because he may be on the underside of the poverty line? More likely she step on him to get to a group of voters too in love with the posibility that she may be the first female president. The democrats use socialist buzz words suxh as...sharing wealth, bridging the wealth gaps...taxing the rich and tax relief for the poor. If you have any doubt about this debate take a look at they ideas they have out there for health care. A health care system that is shared by all... Take a look at the comunist manifesto, specifically the check list of things that must take place for the communist system to take hold. The government must control the education system (to nip any independant thoughts in the bud and to ensure that children learn what the govt wants them to learn) another point from the list is a progressive income tax (welcome to our current tax code) take a long look at these guidlines and think about our fore fathers and see if you think we are still on the correct path.

Big Daddy said...

Now wait a minute. I have seen you, drunk at a Tavern spewing things. But usually it is the sheppard's pie you ate a few minutes earlier. I guess that is really not political. Good point though. We have been slowly, maybe even not slowly, drifting down the path of Socialism for some time. I have one thought about socialistic medicine. Would any politician, Rep or Dem, ever consider getting treated or having a loved one get treated for cancer or another potentially terminal disease, in a socialistic country. NO! There have been too many people in these countries that die long before they have a chance of getting a diagnosis because of a 6 month waiting list for an MRI! That is one example, but ask anyone in one of these countries about how available health care is. It isnt. It is more affordable, but it doesn'tcome close to the technology, care, treatment options, etc. of this country. Reform maybe, but socialistic medicine is wrong.