Friday, July 28, 2006

NFL Season Fast Approaching

For those who feel that the Super Bowl was just completed, you are right. However, that does not stop the world of NFL from proceeding with its training camps and pre season hype. I cannot count how many daily sports call-in shows are talking non stop football, when the season is still some time away. Granted, being about 65% thru a 162 game baseball season is not the most exciting time to be talking sports, but come on. It is bad enough that we will be force fed NFL very soon, anyway. Must we endure the thoughts and speculations of mindless drones that need to know what the "Expert of the Day" thinks about that person's favorite team?? I can tell you how the Cincinatti Bengals will fare this year. They will win a few they are not supposed to, they will lose a few the same way. In the end, they may or may not go to the playoffs. Who cares in July anyway? How about not pondering the real deep Nitzche like questions until at least September? That way, you can use that penetrating mind for other things, like not burning your eyebrows off every time you light the grill this summer. Deal?? Good. In case it has not crept into this thought, I am not the biggesty NFL fan, but I do like the football season. Just not 2 months prior to that season starting. Skins anyone?

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